Our Story
Hello there, I am Žiga and I’d like to tell you a story about a man whose dreams turned out to be… a phone case? Perhaps you’ll find yourself in it. 😉 I am in love with nature and technology. A curious combination, eh? Not that long ago, I was working in IT. You know, sitting behind the screen all day. Maybe you do it too. It was wearisome… I felt like a half-empty balloon. My senses were dull. Then, the weekend came and Nature with it. I always wandered into her embrace to refill my batteries. There I felt in touch with myself and truly alive. I hope you know the feeling. The smell of the forest, fresh mountain air, buzzing of the bees. Small things that mean so much. However, long hours at work prevented me from visiting Nature as often as I’d want. That is why, 6 years ago, I began exploring how to connect both of my passions that seemed worlds apart.
Connecting nature to our everyday tech products brings that weeklong need for connection to nature right to our hands.
I started working with wood. It relaxed me. Carving, sanding, oiling. Do you know the sensation when you run your fingertips over a freshly finished wooden product? I relish in it. It is warm and pleasant.
And that is when it hit me.
What’s the thing we touch most often?
I’m sure you’ve guessed the answer. For most of us it’s our phone.
If so, why do we wrap it in cold and often cheap plastic? Why not something that evokes positive emotions each time we touch it?
This was the moment I turned my passion into a small part-time business and started creating wooden phone cases.
Wooden cases were very well received and I enjoyed making them… but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to create something even more unique and in touch with nature.The search was on!
Is it possible to feel leaves of grass when you hold your phone? Or to smell a rose when you make a call?
Is it possible to create these small remainders of Nature and take people to bustling lavender fields in the middle of their day? Even if just for a moment and only in their heads.
Yes, it is!
Dreams coming true
My firm belief is that we all share a responsibility for our footprint in all that we do and if everyone does their part, then change will come. Making positive steps for society and the environment is just someting that had to be integrated into our business. From supporting NGO's (by planting trees for every bought product) and by creating a
Recycling program for our cases to not contribute to waste.
"Faith is taking the first step
even when you don't see the whole staircase."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Of course, I couldn’t have done it alone. I formed a small team in Slovenia, a land where the Alps meet the Pannonian Lowlands and the Adriatic Sea. To this day, we still make every case by hand and our goal remains clear and simple: to bring nature a bit closer to our busy everyday lives.
And don’t worry, we make sure that the cases offer remarkable protection. We are proud of our products and want them to satisfy our customers in every way and give back to the environment.

Uniqueness, handwork, emphasis on quality, natural look, feel and smell are the guidelines on our journey to connect Nature with technology. We are proud of every case we make and share the joy of every customer that says how much they love it. A lot of your feedback is the basis for our roadmap so we will continue to innovate. It is our priority to continue to promote Nature, sustainability, care for the environment and also to give back in any way we can. We want to fill your day with more joyful moments and flashbacks that make you smile.
There will be more. Much more. MMore. And I really hope you are going to be a part of it. 💚