MMORE @ IFA 2019
MMORE @ IFA Berlin 2019
MMORE attended the world renown tech fair IFA which was held in Berlin from 6.9. to 11.9. The main purpose of the fair was to present a sustainable eco friendly phone cases - the Organika collection along with the new scent refreshers as a brand new concept of bringing the experience of nature on a technological device. Funds were made available for the purpose of the project in the amount of 5,639,06 € for a public tender "Sofinanciranje individualnih sejemskih nastopov podjetij na mednarodnih sejmih v tujini - 2019-2022".
The goal of the project is to achieve recognition of the concept and present the unique product advantages.
The project is co-financed by Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European fund for regional development -> EU SKLADI